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Unlocking the Full Potential with Artificial Intelligence in Pharma Marketing

At the recent Re:Imagine Pharma Marketing virtual conference, I was excited to present on how brand teams can harness the power of today’s artificial intelligence (AI) models to improve HCP targeting and put their brand in the room when their ideal patient and provider are meeting.  

Digital marketing has come a long way in terms of our capabilities and tools, but there’s no doubt that the pandemic environment will have a lasting impact on our strategies, notably the loss of valuable facetime with providers. However, AI and predictive modeling have created a new opportunity, one that uses the wealth of real-world data available to amplify physician segmenting and targeting or HCP communications. 

Point-of-care communications – particularly those in the EHR and ePrescribing workflows – allow brand teams to target high-value HCPs when they are meeting with and engaging patients. But the nuances of the care journey mean that certain messages will be more relevant to certain HCPs and patients at specific moments in time, and this is where AI and predictive modeling make a difference.

Applying AI to a Real-World Case: The Medicare Donut Hole


A common challenge brands with large Medicare populations face is the “donut hole” – a gap in patients’ coverage where the cost of brand mediations increases significantly, and patients are much more likely to switch to generic options or otherwise divert from their care plan. But what if brand teams could anticipate when patients facing the donut hole will be meeting with their HCP, then deliver information in the EHR on financial assistance programs to those exact HCPs?

Two-thirds of medical professionals complain they are bombarded with generic digital content and are seeking more personalized, tailored, and user-friendly information.
Medical affairs: Key imperatives for engaging and educating physicians in a digital world, McKinsey & Company.

This is the power of artificial intelligence-driven pharma marketing programs. We’re using dynamic algorithms to predict these instances of ideal patient/HCP encounters, then creating a dynamic, weekly NPI target list that directs how we deliver affordability messages. As a result, our clients can intervene at the exact moment necessary to avoid patient loss – providing the information and financial support that help patients stay on therapy.

How Can Your Brand Benefit from Artificial Intelligence in Pharma Marketing?

The Medicare example above is just one of the ways that advanced analytics are making a difference. From identifying previously undiagnosed patients, or finding patients that fall within the gaps of diagnostic coding, predictive models offer the insight and precision to help patients get the care and treatment they need to improve outcomes. 

If you’re interested in learning how OptimizeRx's Dynamic Audience Activation Platform (DAAP) drives brand growth with unprecedented predictive audience intelligence and smarter program execution, book some time with our team today.

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