Emails and Cookies Preferences

You have control over your data.


You are able to opt out of having new data associated with your device and request to disassociate current data of your device. Read below for instructions on how to opt out for a web browser and for mobile apps as the process is different from each.

Your Opt Out Options


  • Manage Email Subscriptions

    Unsubscribing from an email subscription involves a few simple steps:
    1. Open the Email: Find an email from OptimizeRx.
    2. Scroll to the Bottom: All of our emails include an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email. Scroll down to find it.
    3. Click the Unsubscribe Link: Click on the link that says "Unsubscribe" OR "Manage preferences."
    4. Follow the Prompts: After clicking the unsubscribe link, you may be directed to a webpage where you need to confirm your decision to unsubscribe. Follow any prompts or instructions to complete the process.

If you're having trouble finding the unsubscribe link, please contact us.