Point-of-Care and Programmatic Brand Marketing – Aligned with Your Patient Journey

Some medical device and diagnostic brands focus on medical journals and conferences to reach physicians, while others are dipping their toes into social media, digital display, and other DTC channels as the cost of deploying seasoned sales reps continues to rise. But most medtech marketing strategies aren’t personalized for messaging relevance and timing – so brand information may not be top-of-mind when it matters most.

But thanks to advances in point-of-care and programmatic marketing technology, it’s easier than ever to reach brand-eligible patients and their treating HCPs during the windows when treatment decisions are being made. OptimizeRx’s patented Dynamic Audience Activation Platform (DAAP) and Micro-Neighborhood® Targeting technologies use real-world patient and physician data to precisely find and engage your audiences, so media placements are relevant, personalized, and cost-effective. As a result, each marketing dollar goes further – reinforcing sales rep communications and delivering commercial impact and advertising ROI. 

With an 86% provider engagement rate, the point-of-care reached HCPs where and when they are making patient care decisions 


How We Support Our Medtech Clients

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Brand Reach and Differentiation

Building timely brand mindshare and knowledge within key patient and physician audiences 

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Engaging HCPs directly in the EHR, when they are meeting with known brand-eligible patients 

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Prioritizing media placements to the audiences most likely to take action

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Reducing impression waste and maximizing budget impact – driving more device lift from the same media spend 

Learn More About Our HCP and DTC Programs

Overcome budget constraints and generic, volume media buys – get the essential information about your device in front of physicians and patients at or ahead of medical visits. Learn more about our unique approaches to HCP and DTC marketing. 

Embrace Relevancy-Driven Marketing

Learn how OptimizeRx helps medtech companies maximize marketing budgets to support effective launches, grow brand awareness, and increase market share. 

Converting Patients to a New Medical Device by Raising Awareness within the EHR Workflow

Every Message, Everywhere, All at Once: Drive HCP Engagement by Aligning Clinically Relevant Content with Preferred Channels


Related Resources for Medtech Brands

Read more about why hyper-targeted point-of-care and programmatic marketing is a powerful, cost-effective way to reach and engage your brand audiences.