Driving New Brand Prescription by Increasing Awareness of Financial Support
See how OptimizeRx generated an 11:1 ROI by streamlining access to medication copay assistance.
A diabetes brand team wanted to address declining prescription volumes by increasing awareness of and access to a financial assistance program.
- Brand prescription volumes had steeply declined in the months prior to the program launch.
- Highly competitive disease area, with multiple products using similar mechanisms of action.
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Medication Cost Transparency
Provided clarity on expected medication cost to patients and HCPs, encouraging proactive affordability discussions.
Point-of-Prescribe Integration
eCoupon/copay information available where and when a prescription is being written.
Electronic Pharmacy Triage
Simplified participation in financial assistance program by automatically submitting savings offer to the pharmacy attached to the prescription.
Extensive Provider Reach
Provided access to providers across 300+ EHRs and ePrescribe platforms, covering 60% of ambulatory HCPs in the US market.